A Spotlight On Studio Collection

After almost 20 years of designing exclusively hand-painted frames, I wanted to explore other techniques and discover new colors. This journey has culminated in the creation of “Studio Collection”. 

What’s the story behind the collection?

Introduced in 2020, Studio Collection features non hand-painted frames in new shapes. The painting technique of this collection allowed me to showcase colors I couldn’t incorporate in my designs before. To highlight the special character of each color, I chose new, extra-large models that were new to our catalog. The result was a collection of harmonized contrasts. The colors are vibrant, yet refined. The shapes are bold, yet classic. 

A closer look at the collection

ST 211


Deep red and grayish purple in a beautiful clash of warm and cool colors. 


ST 212


Bright orange meets bubbly pink with a dash of pearl gray and matte finish.


ST 213


It’s all cool, baby. Lapis blue, steel gray and olive green in a bold frame. 



Dark gray, bright red and a touch of vibrant violet. Perfectly balanced. 


ST 215


A striking frame with colors to match. Complementing Olive green and plum purple.


ST 216


Blue eyeglass frames are my new favorites. Cerulean and sky blue meet to create a refined and defined frame. 

See all color combinations here